Frequently Asked Questions
We are here to help you with helpful answers!
- Age of the Earth: Does the Bible Really say that God Created the World only 6,000 Years Ago?
- Archaeopteryx: Proof of Transitional Fossils?
- Ardipithecus ramidus: Is she an early human ancestor?
- Asteroids: Did they Kill off the Dinosaurs?
- Babel Dispersion: Is it Supported by Human Genetics?
- Behemoth in Job 40: Was it a Dinosaur?
- Bible: Is it Reliable?
- Cain: What was his Mark? Where did he find his Wife?
- Carbon 14 Dating: Does it go Beyond Biblical History?
- Civilizations before Noah’s Flood?
- Creation Accounts: Are there Two Different Accounts of Creation in Genesis 1-2?
- Darwin’s Finches: Evidence for Evolution or Epigenetics?
- Days of Creation: Were they Normal Days?
- Dendrochronology: Does Tree Ring Dating Disprove the Biblical Timeline?
- Dinosaurs Extinction: Noah’s Flood or an Asteroid?
- Dinosaurs: Did they Live Recently and Die in Noah’s Flood?
- Does Dinosaur Soft Tissue Prove a Young Earth and Recent Flood?
- Dragons: Were they Dinosaurs that Lived After the Flood?
- Evolution: Can I be a Christian and Still believe in Evolution and Millions of Years?
- Flat Earth Theory: Is it Supported by the Bible or Science?
- Fossil Record: Does it Support Creation or Evolution?
- Gap Theory: Is it Biblical?
- Genesis and Genetics: Do DNA Clocks Confirm a Recent Creation?
- Genesis and Genetics: Does DNA Variation Match a Recent Creation?
- Gilgamesh Epic: Which Came First, the Gilgamesh Epic or Noah’s Flood?
- Homo habilis: Early Human Ancestor?
- Human and Chimp DNA: Is it Really 98% Similar?
- Human Fossils: Why don’t we find them with the Dinosaurs?
- Human Hearing System: Amazing Design?
- Ice Cores: Do they Disprove Biblical Timelines?
- Kangaroos: How Did They Make It All the Way to Australia from Where the Ark Landed?
- Languages: Can all Human Languages be Traced to the Tower of Babel?
- Leviathan: Was it a Real Creature?
- Lifespans Before the Flood: How Did People Live to Be 900 Years Old Before the Flood?
- Lucy the Australopithecus afarensis: Was she an early human ancestor?
- Miracles at the Crucifixion of Christ?
- Neanderthals: Early Human Ancestors?
- Nephilim: Biblical Giants?
- Noah’s Flood: Does Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Provide the Mechanism for Splitting Apart Pangea or Rodinia?
- Noah’s Flood: How Could All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
- Noah’s Flood: How Could the Ark Have Been Seaworthy?
- Noah’s Flood: How Did People, Animals, and Vegetation Disperse Around the World after the Flood?
- Noah’s Flood: Where Did All the Water Come From?
- Noah’s Flood: Worldwide or Local?
- Pre-flood World: What Was It Like?
- Races: Where Did They Come From?
- Radiometric Dating: Doesn’t it Show that the Earth is 4.5 Billion Years Old?
- Red in Tooth and Claw: If Animals Were First Created to Be Vegetarian, Why Do Many Look like They Were Designed to Be Carnivores?
- Science: Does Evolution Theory Hold up to the Rigors of “True Science”?
- Starlight: Doesn’t Distant Starlight Prove Creation Is Billions of Years Old?
- Sun Day 4: How Can Light Exist During the First Three Days of Creation When the Sun Was Not Created until the Fourth Day?
- Theistic Evolution: What’s Wrong with the Idea That God Used Evolution to Create Everything?
- Tiktaalik & Coelacanth: Transitional Fossils?
- Water: When was it Created?
- Whales: Did they Evolve from Land Creatures??
- Wisdom Teeth: Are they Leftovers from Evolution?