THIS BOOK IS AN ABRIDGED VERSION of “The Ark and the Darkness: Unearthing the Mysteries of Noah’s Flood” and covers the essentials about the Biblical case for Noah’s Flood and is a companion guide for the movie by the same name (produced by Genesis Apologetics and Sevenfold Films). This book documents the leading Flood evidences from experts at Genesis Apologetics, Answers in Genesis, ICR, Liberty University, and others and answers the top questions about the Flood, including:
• What Was the Pre-flood World Like?
• When was Noah’s Flood and How Long did it Last?
• How Could the Ark Have Been Seaworthy?
• How Could All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
• The Genesis Account vs. the Epic of Gilgamesh
• How it all Happened: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
• Dinosaur Fossils: Look no Further if you Want Evidence for the Worldwide Flood!
• How Did Vegetation Spread Rapidly after the Flood?
• Flood Legends from Around the World
This book answers the top questions about the Flood, including: What Was the Pre-flood World Like?
How Did People Live to Be Over 900 Years Old Before the Flood?
When was Noah’s Flood and How Long Did It Last?
How Could the Ark Have Been Seaworthy?
How Could All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
Flood Legends from Around the World
How It All Happened: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Dinosaur Fossils: Look No Further If You Want Evidence for the Worldwide Flood!
Why an Asteroid did Not Wipe Out the Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs after the Flood—there be Dragons!
Noah’s Flood: How Did People and Animals Disperse Around the World after the Flood?
Was Noah’s Flood Only Local? Not Even a Chance