Update on Genesis Apologetics 12-Part Video Series

Last week was very busy for our Genesis Apologetics video team! From Monday to Friday, the Roy (Creation Quest) and Justice (Awesome Science Media) families were hard at work directing and recording all 12 episodes of our video outreach series refuting the 11 pillars of evolution teaching in public school textbooks. Our actors, John and Madyson, did an awesome job bringing the scripts to life with their incredible acting skills.


We have been blown away by how the Lord has graciously provided, brought all of the people involved together, and caused this whole last filming week to work together for His glory! We are so excited to see how the Lord will use this project to reach public school students across our state and nation with the truth of creation.

As this project goes into production, will you please join with us in prayer, that the Lord would use this project for His glory and to open the eyes of young people to the truth of creation, and that He would use them to reach their friends and families?