Students ask: “Did dinosaurs evolve into birds?” – Part II

In the last blog post, we saw how a common ‘textbook example’ of evolution, Archaeopteryx, does not fit the bill of “transitional form” between reptiles and birds. In recent years, however, many evolutionists have resorted to other so-called ‘links’ to justify their belief in the evolution of birds from reptiles. In order to understand these claims, we must first examine the underlying evolutionary assumptions:

  1. Similarities between creatures are explained by descent from a common ancestor.
  2. Fossils found in lower layers are older than fossils found in upper layers.

However, these assumptions lead to some confusing and contradictory conclusions. For example, the supposed ‘feathered dinosaurs’ are found in layers dated 25 million years younger than the ‘first’ true bird, Archaeopteryx!1 In order to overcome such difficulties, evolutionary scientists have developed a type of evolutionary tree called a cladogram, which connects different creatures on the basis of similar traits (i.e. feathers) rather than overall similarity or even evolutionary ‘age’.2,3

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Image credit:; formatted.

This interpretative scheme is used by evolutionists to classify dinosaurs and birds, and often leads to head-scratching conclusions.4 However, when we examine the evidence for ourselves, without evolutionary assumptions, our view of these ‘birdosaurs’ becomes much clearer. All of the so-called “feathered dinosaur” fossils fall into one of three categories:

  1. Dinosaur fossils (i.e. Concavenator, Velociraptor) lacking feathers, but possessing so-called ‘quill-anchors’ on their forearm bones. These structures (similar structures are also found in other non-feathered animals) may also be interpreted as hardened anchor points for tendinous sheets.5
  2. Dinosaur skeletons (i.e. Sinosauropteryx, Sinornithosaurus) covered with fibers, interpreted by evolutionists as ‘protofeathers’. Other scientists have found these structures to match frayed collagen fibers found in the decaying skin of animals.6
  3. True birds (i.e. Microraptor, Caudipteryx, Anchiornis) possessing true feathers and a unique combination of features which, like Archaeopteryx, have been wrongly interpreted, based on evolutionary assumptions, to be ‘primitive’ or ‘dinosaurian’.7,8

When we remove the “glasses” of evolution and accept what the Bible says about the creation of birds (a day before land animals, including dinosaurs), we begin to understand the true nature of these findings, whereas, evolutionists are often led to incorrect conclusions, which are later shown to be faulty.

~Post Script: A fossil-faking industry has been discovered in the Liaoning Province of China, where most of the ‘feathered dinosaur’ fossils have been found.9 This should encourage caution when studying these specimens, especially since most of these fossils are broken and have not been scanned for authenticity.

Free Resources for Further Reading:

Chapter 4: Do Fossils Show Evolution?

Second Look Causes Scientist to Reverse Dino-Bird Claim

Four-Winged Dinosaur Definition Doesn’t Fly

Thirty-Million Years Didn’t Really Change China’s Jurassic Park 

Refuting Evolution – Chapter 4: Bird Evolution?

Notes and References:    

1Werner, Carl, and Debbie Werner. Evolution: The Grand Experiment: The Quest for an Answer. Green Forest, AR: New Leaf, 2014. 169. Print.

2Silvestru, Emil. “Flying Dinosaurs, Flightless Dinosaurs and Other Evolutionary Fantasies.” Journal of Creation 20.2 (2006): 42-47.

3This system creates an even greater dilemma for evolutionists, by imagining even more common ancestors, making the lack of evolutionary fossil transitional forms even greater!

4For example, the obvious dinosaur, Deinonychus, has been classified by some as a flightless bird, while winged, feathered creatures like Microraptor are often classified as dinosaurs. Both theropod dinosaurs and modern birds are classified as reptiles under the clade ‘Avetheropoda’.

5Naish, Darren. “Concavenator: An Incredible Allosauroid with a Weird Sail (or Hump)…and Proto-feathers?” Web log post. Science Blogs. N.p., 9 Sept. 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.

6Sherwin, F. and B. Thomas. 2012. Did Some Dinosaurs Really Have Feathers? Acts & Facts. 41 (6): 16-17.

7Menton, David. “Did Microraptor Gui Invent the Biplane before the Wright Brothers?” Answers in Genesis. N.p., 21 Feb. 2007. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.

8Thomas, Brian. “Four-Winged Dinosaur Definition Doesn’t Fly.” The Institute for Creation Research. N.p., 30 July 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. <>.

9Werner, 2014. 276.