BREAKING NEWS: Our Debunking Evolution Project Makes Headlines!

Genesis Apologetic’s “Debunk Evolution” video series ( is designed to challenge the claims made about evolution in High School textbooks, and discuss the evidence for creation. Suffice it to say, some evolutionists aren’t too happy about it! The series had its first official “push back” after Genesis Apologetics ( purchased 126,000 wrist bands from Rapid Wristbands imprinted with web address for the project: “”. Genesis Apologetics plans to distribute these bands to high school students everywhere to provide the scientific case against what they’re being presented in public schools.

image003However, the CEO of Rapid Wristbands, Fiyyaz Pirani, was displeased that his company had aided creationists in getting out the message, so he donated $4,000 of the $15,120 order to the National Center for Science Education, an organization dedicated to defending evolution. See the post here:

A quote from the post states, “Fiyyaz Pirani was perplexed. As the CEO of, he was pleased to receive a massive order for over a hundred thousand wristbands. But as a socially responsible entrepreneur, he was not pleased that the order, from a creationist ministry, was for wristbands saying ‘DEBUNK EVOLUTION.’”

Pirani is also quoted as saying, “NCSE has labored for years to keep creationism out of the public schools, and I’m pleased that my company’s donation will help it continue its valuable work.”

We live in amazing times in which it is considered evil to teach students that they are created with purpose by a God that loves them, but noble to claim that there is no God, and no real purpose for their lives! Isaiah warned against this thousands of years ago: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

The true irony is that evolution is itself a religion, without true science to back it up. And we live in a time when it is no longer acceptable to question the scientific validity of what is being taught to young people. So, once again, the media will turn this into a battle of “science vs. religion,” but the truth is that it is a spiritual battle between two systems of belief: a blind faith built on man’s thinking – and a belief in the Creator who left behind all the evidence!

If you want to get involved in spreading the creation message, please pass the news of the project onto other friends: We also distribute free wristbands to youth workers in churches! If you are interested in helping distribute the wristbands, and have an outlet to do so, please email us! (